Monday, January 24, 2011


I was talking to my dad about organization and we both decided we could be obsessive organizers if we had any follow-through.

For instance, at the beginning of a semester, I color-code the crap out of everything. I have sticky notes, folders, binders, a different color pen for different levels of importance in my agenda, and a different combination of colors for each class. I make out hourly schedules, and fill out my iCal like there's no tomorrow.

However, one week in (if I make it that far, even) my sticky notes have un-stuck and accumulate in the bottom of my backpack, my individual folders are empty, and everything is in one big notebook of chaos, if I write in my agenda at all, everything is scribbled in black ink. My schedules aren't written, my iCal is empty.

It's ok though. My disorganization is somewhat organized. I do, in fact, get stuff done. (Sometimes.)
That's when I make the to-do list.

I will readily admit that I have many a to-do list that has nothing crossed off. (I prefer crossing off over checking off.) I am also one of those people that will accomplish a task, look to my to-do list to cross it off, see it's not there, write it down, and cross it off. It makes doing things worthwhile.

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You can see that I have things crossed off this list. Very exciting. That's mostly (...ok, completely) because I have things written on there like "order boots" and "update blog" amongst all of the academic things I should have done first.

But, that's where my special brand of to-do list is key.
There's no priority on this type of to-do list. No discrimination. Every task is created equally and that's why it's on there.

This relates to my outfit in the really round-about way that updating my blog made the list.

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My lighting and angles are getting progressively worse. Wahhh.

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I think it's probably the worst in my dorm.

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Shirt: Free People
Necklace: Anthropologie
Jeans (Black Matchstick. See, they're different this time. yayyy): J.Crew
Boots: Steve Madden.

I can never remember if I use a colon or a hyphen.
Major. Conundrum.

Well, another task accomplished.
Next, I will watch Modern Family.

And, kids...that is the beauty of a non discriminatory to-do list.

1 comment:

  1. this is my fav outfit so far. i like those boots with the toothpick pants.

    i wish i lived with you. that would be fun. if we were roomates in college together. perhaps i will get a new degree?

    -sissy kelly
