Thursday, February 3, 2011

Here goes nothing!!

And we're off, folks. The 30 for 30 has COMMENCED. Hold your applause and excitement. claims it feels like -3, but I'm all ready to go in my skirt. 
Please don't judge me. 
I was actually very happily surprised to see others prancing around in their tights as well, despite the snow that's engulfed trashcans and benches. 

I don't have class until 1pm today! My English teacher is out of town, so my day starts late, which I'm more than ok with...however, you may notice that it's 10:30, and I'm already dressed and set up in my library camp....
Why, you ask? This answer could go 1 of 2 ways, so I'll tell you both. 
1. I'm very dedicated and didn't want to be sluggish and wake up at noon. 
2. I have an econ test I didn't study for yesterday because Grey's Anatomy, my bed, and chocolate chip cookies were all too enticing. 
Maybe number 2 sounds more reasonable, but believe what you want. 
Whether or not I'm prepared (yet) is not the issue. I do have a test today, and on test days I like to dress well, and do my hair and makeup. 
This is based on my philosophy of 'even if I fail, I was wearing a great outfit', as well as the age-old dress to impress philosophy.....but I don't think my professor will care that I dressed well for his test. He'll probably be more concerned with my production possibilities curve. (see...I DO know what my test is on.) 

I have some bad news, though. 
It won't turn on. Well, it won't stay on. The poor little green light flashes and fades completely off within 2 seconds of its initial plug-in. 
I was extremely depressed, but I didn't have time to grieve. So, I just stole my roommate's straightener...umm. hope she doesn't mind. 

Ahh, and here we are for the list of where I got these things....
BUT FIRST, I'll let you in on the secret of how CREATIVE I am.

I'm wearing a skirt over a dress. HOW NIFTY? I know. Very. 
Dress/shirt: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: American Apparel
Socks: Urban Outfitters
Boots: DSW
Belt: Anthropologie
(all my tights are from, I'm going to forgo specifying this for the rest of my life. The 2 extra words is pretty killer to have to type.) 

Ok. Have a great day. 
"Stay Warm!" (That seems to be how everyone ends texts and emails here these days. 
Wish me luck on my econ test. I'm not sure my outfit will be enough for me this time.

And, so it begins...

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HAPPY 30 FOR 30!! My 30 days are up on March 4th, which happens to be when I'm going home for Spring Break. This is perfect, because that's right when the weather will change.

I modified Kendi's rules  (that's a link to her rules. I'm talented. whaaaat) a little bit because I'm not that hardcore...but, for the intents and purposes of my personal 30 for 30, the rules are at the bottom of my picks. I counted like 400 times because I was certain I'd mess it up and have 29 or 31...and let me tell you a secret...I had 31 at the end and I didn't know what to do. I took out a black's kind of annoying. I may regret it later. Oh, snap.

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OK! So, the overview of the 30 for 30 challenge is that I picked out 30 items of clothing and will only wear versions of these items for 30 days. (February 5-March 4)
No shopping is allowed, but I'm going to go ahead and say that I'm going to shop one weekend...because my mom is coming and I don't want to depress her. She lives to sit in dressing rooms and watch me try on clothes for hours, I can NOT deprive her of this. See, I'm just being a good daughter.
Coats don't count for this, but I went a step further and am not counting my rain(snow) boots. It's snowy here, and I don't really enjoy wearing my rubber boots that, they're purely for utility for the next 30 days. I promise I will only wear them when my life is threatened by ice. And, we got about 2 feet in the last 48 hours, so this is highly possible.
Blah, blah, accessories don't count, that's how I get through this.
Blahhhhhhhh blahhhh it seems like it's going to suck monkey butt, but for the most part I'm excited because I spent an hour trying clothes on and I made nice things. (This seemed like it was more productive than studying for my econ test tomorrow. I think I made the right choice.)

Ok, kids. Wish me luck.

PS: Here's today's outfit.

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I wish it was better lighting, as I definitely look like a class act.
I may or may not have walked across campus wearing a blanket wrapped around me AND my backpack, as I fell into snow drifts and my poor nose almost got frostbite.

We didn't have class today, and I fully support LFC's decision to cancel it. It's madness out there. I'm fairly certain I'm going to
a. die
b. slip and hurt something
c. slip
d. freeze
in the next few days.
I'll be optimistic and just predict c. and d....because I know what I'm wearing tomorrow and it involves a skirt and impractical boots for the snow.
So...uh, wish me luck with that. I'll make sure to provide photographic evidence of my insanity.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

forgive me

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i'm cold.
you don't want to see my outfit right now.
i took off my jeans and i'm not sitting in my long underwear because....
CLASS IS CANCELED! which excites me more than anything.
i'm not sure if i'm going to do kendi's 30 for 30 anymore.
because i'm lazy and also i don't like not being allowed to shop. :( wahh

anyway. i've been very busy and uninspired so forgive my lack of posts.

enjoy your snow if you're in that sort of area,
or...your heat if you're in THAT sort of area.

i've forgotten what grass looks like and i'd love to find out.
how long is winter?