Friday, January 28, 2011

i went shopping today instead of cleaning my room

So technically I wore this last night because it's 12:09, but I was on the phone with my lovely mom, so sorry I'm 10 minutes after January 28th. I'll do better next time.

I'm a pretty big fan of this outfit, and I'm not trying to be vain about it, but I like it. Sue me. Confidence is a good thing. I didn't wear this all day. I wore like, 4 things today, it was a little bit ridiculous. However, this is what I wore last and what I liked the best. 
Here it is a little closer. 

My head is missing and apparently my skirt is halfway backwards, but you can deal. You've seen my face along with it's beautimous awkward smile and you can imagine the way my skirt looks forward. If only I would have realized that before. Sigh. Now, my OCD is killing me seeing the zipper right there rather than perfectly on the side, like it should be. ahhh. I will NOT put this outfit back on and retake the picture. I WILL NOT. 
Shirt: Madewell
Tank top under shirt: American Apparel
Skirt: J.Crew
Tights: Target. what, whaaaat
Boots (ruined, thanks nasty snow+salt combo): DSW
Necklace: Stolen from my roommate. 

I went shopping today with my roommate, and good new guys, you're going to be incredibly proud. I GOT NEW JEANS! Yeah, my debit card can hardly take it and I got a 40% off coupon with them, so I was really tempted to pull a mom and return them, and then re-buy them with the coupon, but it turns out that I have pride. However, I have a 40% off coupon to Gap now, and it makes me want to go spend more money even though I really didn't want anything else in there. I guess that's the point of the coupon. Good move, Gap, good move. 

Urban Outfitters also contributed to my shopping binge (american apparel too, thanks guys...), and I got these socks I totally saw and accidentally didn't get from Free People. It was the happiest moment of my life because they are literally 30 dollars less. Who knew I could be so thrifty? 

Well, maybe you'll be lucky enough to see how great my new jeans are tomorrow, but more realistically, you'll hear about how freezing I was in the city while I wear tights like an idiot. I just learned we're leaving at 8 am. 

Cool, friends. This is exactly what the weekend is NOT for. Guess I gotta turn in early. 

Don't let the bed bugs bite, friends.

A Series of Unfortunate Events

It is currently too messy in my room for me to stand and take a picture of myself. :\ Saddest day ever. But you should know, that I am very much dressed, watching the office, having some cereal, and going to take a nap. And maybe go shopping. And I'll post a picture of myself later because I know you're dying to see me. Don't worry guys, soon. Soon. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rambling and Anthropologie.

I haven't been dressing that well lately.
Yesterday I totally spent half the day in Victoria's Secret sweatpants and a sweatshirt sporting an elephant. Roll Tide.

However, I did muster up the courage to put on some jeans thanks to my new coat and boots coming in the mail.

It's technically from Anthropologie, but I had to get it by way of ebay. This is what I got in exchange of my puffy coat. It's much nicer, and much less...puffy.

I'm having an extreme lack of inspiration to write this, which is precisely why it didn't get done yesterday.

And why I didn't take pictures today. It's like attack of the neutrals though. I'm wearing a blackish American Apparel v-neck and...well, right now I'm wearing really fabulous LFC running shorts. (Not that I'm planning on running) But, I was wearing jeans...the same I always wear, and a beige sweater. and my caramel-y boots. Yay, neutrals.

However, this is the picture of yesterday.

I didn't do that thing where everything I was going to wear was going to be from something different...but I did it today. (a.a., anthro, jcrew, and dsw) however, this outfit is...

jacket and shirt: anthro
jeans: jcrew (surprised?)
boots/socks: hunter

the coat also happened to be from I was totally right in saying that every time I have multiples it's because of anthropologie. What a stupid store.

(Just kidding, Anthro. I love you. Don't hate me. Now, get pretty stuff in, because to be quite honest, your current line is lackluster. Eeeesh.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the black and brown dilemma

black and brown together has been one of the largest faux pas since forever...practically. But,'s making a come-back.

I am personally a big, big fan of brown boots. While I have a pair of black, I favor my browns.
And...I'm not a brown tights person. That's just kind of weird. And sometimes brown tights don't work with the outfit.

For example: 

Brown tights with this dress would have looked incredibly weird. So, black. Tights problem=solved.
But my black boots look weird too. (Maybe I just need different black boots...) 
I was kind of rushing because I wanted to be on time for class for the first time since.....never, so I just whipped on my favorite boots. 

(Look closer. They're fabulous.) 

And...tell me if I'm wrong but... they look good. And, I always, always wear brown boots with black tights. Why is this all of a sudden ok?
I never thought twice about it until it was brought to my attention when I told my friend he was committing a serious felony when he wore black socks with brown shoes.

He then asked me why it was ok that I was wearing black tights with brown 'shoes'.

"Now, now. They're not shoes, they're boots. And tights are different than socks"
He looked at me like I was an idiot.
"No. It doesn't make sense."
"Shut up. It's ok with tights and boots. Not socks and shoes."
"You're just saying it's ok for women. Double standard."

I scoffed. But he had a point.
Why is it ok?

Because it is. It's still totally different.

Anyway, I will rest peacefully with my decision to sport black and brown.
I will also rest peacefully with my dress, as it has now shown me its versatility.
I have exhausted this piece in every season.
Bought it in spring, and it kept trucking along as a go-to piece ever since.

And that's where fashion is an investment.
It's definitely worth the *#!@ dollars I spent on it.

Dress: Madewell
Blazer: Anthropologie
Boots: Anthropologie
Socks: Free People
Tights: Target (They're new and I'm not happy with them. I decided to be frugal and buy the five dollar ones instead of the seven dollar ones and the price difference is because these are extremely flimsy and sheer and not substantial. I'll spare the extra two dollars from now on, thank you.)

Tomorrow I'm going to try and have everything be from somewhere different.
I realized that most of each of my outfits is dominated by one store. (Usually Anthro.)
I'll try and change that up.
(Not counting coat, obviously.)

Ok. I'll use the library to study now.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I was talking to my dad about organization and we both decided we could be obsessive organizers if we had any follow-through.

For instance, at the beginning of a semester, I color-code the crap out of everything. I have sticky notes, folders, binders, a different color pen for different levels of importance in my agenda, and a different combination of colors for each class. I make out hourly schedules, and fill out my iCal like there's no tomorrow.

However, one week in (if I make it that far, even) my sticky notes have un-stuck and accumulate in the bottom of my backpack, my individual folders are empty, and everything is in one big notebook of chaos, if I write in my agenda at all, everything is scribbled in black ink. My schedules aren't written, my iCal is empty.

It's ok though. My disorganization is somewhat organized. I do, in fact, get stuff done. (Sometimes.)
That's when I make the to-do list.

I will readily admit that I have many a to-do list that has nothing crossed off. (I prefer crossing off over checking off.) I am also one of those people that will accomplish a task, look to my to-do list to cross it off, see it's not there, write it down, and cross it off. It makes doing things worthwhile.

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You can see that I have things crossed off this list. Very exciting. That's mostly (...ok, completely) because I have things written on there like "order boots" and "update blog" amongst all of the academic things I should have done first.

But, that's where my special brand of to-do list is key.
There's no priority on this type of to-do list. No discrimination. Every task is created equally and that's why it's on there.

This relates to my outfit in the really round-about way that updating my blog made the list.

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My lighting and angles are getting progressively worse. Wahhh.

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I think it's probably the worst in my dorm.

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Shirt: Free People
Necklace: Anthropologie
Jeans (Black Matchstick. See, they're different this time. yayyy): J.Crew
Boots: Steve Madden.

I can never remember if I use a colon or a hyphen.
Major. Conundrum.

Well, another task accomplished.
Next, I will watch Modern Family.

And, kids...that is the beauty of a non discriminatory to-do list.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Sometimes, I do dangerous things.
I stand with my big toes on the yellow line you're supposed to stay behind when the train is coming.
I cross the street when the hand is still flashing.
I wait to do homework until 5 minutes before it's due.
I wear tights when it's below zero.

But. I'm still a paranoid person.
I don't like being places alone.
When I was little, I was afraid to walk to the pool. (My parents still tease me.)
Unfortunately, I am often in areas I deem 'sketchy' by myself.

Now, I deemed my neighborhood sketchy as a young teen, and I live in a nice area. So, let's not believe anything I'm actually saying.

I was in Highland Park today shopping for a new dress (fail. I got a shirt and socks instead) and doing some homework (another fail. I had a mocha and got on facebook instead) and I was whistled at. And saw every sketchy looking male alive. These sketchy males ranged from well dressed business men to the homeless, and some were also women. So, everyone I saw was sketchy to me. (Have I said sketchy enough?)

I am eternally confused at 'the whistle'. Why do men whistle? What are you going to accomplish with that? You're just creepy. Maybe that's what they're trying to accomplish. Creepiness.

I was telling my dad about this incident and he told me I should not dress like I do when I'm alone. I realized that this is probably true.

The dress I wore today needed a slip-y thing under it to lengthen it. A fact I forgot because of a 2 month hiatus I had from my closet. I was just excited to have my dresses back, but forgot about their individual needs.

It is, however, true. My dress was great, but slightly short. My all-knowing father also commented on my red hat and coat and tights and boots which make me stand out.

It does. I'm not trying to be obnoxious and say I'm hot shit so everyone on the street wants to attack me. However, I wouldn't be whistled at if I was dressed down a notch.

Yesterday, on the train, these annoying men made fun of me for getting off at Lake Forest. They said it was 'obvious' because of my attire. I am not offended. LF is a classy place, and I was glad I exuded that air.

So. What's a girl to do? Wear my jammies so I'm safe?
Meet in the middle and wear jeans?
Meet a quarter of the way and wear proper-length-ed dresses?

I don't know. I like danger. (Kind of.)

Here is kind of what I wore today. I didn't take pictures. But, I'm kind of wearing a similar thing in this picture...

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This picture is in Central Park. My friend goes to NYU and she took this. I know I am posing weirdly, but I have trouble being serious with her. She's that friend that I remember things we did and I'm embarrassed even to think it. As if someone can read my mind about the embarrassing incident I'm thinking of.

I wore a different belt today and different boots, both of which are from Anthropologie.
The boots in this picture are Steve Madden and the belt is from Urban Outfitters.
Dress-Madewell, Sweater-Anthropologie.

*Note- I'm wearing the proper slip in this picture, which is Free People.

I also didn't need a coat.
I miss those days.

Friday, January 21, 2011

looking cute doesn't make you warm.

At least not physically.
Emotionally, I am very warm. But, physically...I probably have frost bite.

Today, I'm decked out in Anthropologie. Which is semi obnoxious, but tends to happen to me. I love me some Anthro.

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I'm serious. Dress, belt, boots: Anthro. Tights and socks that you can't see: Target.

Oh, and the scarf I'm wearing, I knitted! It was literally the highlight of my life when someone asked me where I got it. I proudly answered "I MADE IT!" And, by proudly, I mean with a goofy grin and shriek and gasp and a loud exclamation, disturbing the whole library.

I'm posting a picture of it.
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Speaking of the library, that's where I am. Did the books tip you off?
Is it embarrassing that I took pictures of myself in the library like so?
Probably. No one was here. Now, someone is. And that someone saw me take a series of pictures of myself trying to look jovial in my scarf. That's why I am making that face. I look jovial, ok? My eyes are closed because it makes me look cool...obviously. I don't know how you didn't catch that.

You may be thinking "Wow, look at Kelsey. She's such an exemplary student, sitting in the library on a Friday morning. It's really admirable that she's up so early, already studying."
But I'm here because I'm wearing a dress and it's -3 degrees. says it 'feels like -19'...and I'll go with that, because I don't have any idea what -19 feels like. This, I guess. The library is warm, and close to the building my math class is in. My dorm does have my bed, and it is slightly warmer, however, it takes me a solid 4 minutes to get there and I am already convinced I have frostbite.

Also, the library has bagels. And mochas.
And, no matter what I'm doing, I feel like I accomplished something whilst sitting in 'the lib'.

Even if that accomplishment is watching Mean Girls all the way through without having to get up to pee. Impressive, right?

"She has two Fendi purses, and a silver Lexus"

ps: I saw an ad in a magazine that there's a tv movie: Mean Girls 2. Come on people, why are you ruining an all time classic? (It comes out Sunday. Let's watch it together.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm turning into my Grandma, and I need new jeans.

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It is fifteen degrees. I don't know if you know this, but that's lower than half of freezing. Lower than half. The high tomorrow is 11. That's almost single digits. In fact, the low is 6. That IS a single digit. 

Now I feel like my grandma, who always calls me and gives me the weather report. She literally wrote me a card telling me that it was hot in Texas, and cold in New York. What a cute lady. Clearly, I'm following in her footsteps. If I start reading signs out loud, let me know. If I get a short red perm, admit me into an insane asylum. 

Despite the low temperatures in this fabulous area, I have completely exiled my icky puffy coat. I've decided that I can't handle walking around in a marshmallow suit. You'd agree if you saw it. I promise. I've decided I can brave the low temps as long as I layer under my peacoat, which is not very warm, you see. However, as long as I'm wearing 2-6 layers along with a big scarf, mittens, and a hat, I'm a.o.k. 

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My lovely friend from high school gave me the dryer sheet tip to use on my static-y hair. It totally worked. I'm a little bit skeptical, however, since it may have been a combo of the dryer sheet and the length of time I've gone without showering. But I'll go with it because I wore my hair down for most of the day, and picking at my split ends made my Econ class fly by.

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I was really ecstatic because I have THREE followers! It's not that's only three. And one of them is my dad. dad is way cool so I'm still just as excited.

Maybe you've noticed that I branched out and took pictures in a place other than my dorm!
I forgot/was really lazy and finally decided to do it once I had nothing to do but homework. I'm in the 'skybox'--a fancy term created for the room above the student center with a big window so you can see, yes, good job everyone. I got some weird looks...but, it was definitely worth it. I have to give my three followers what they want. You're welcome guys. (and dad)

I didn't feel as silly taking pictures of myself because I'm with my bffffffff Chris. He should write his own fashion blog. Look at that presh, presh tie. Oh, Chris, what a stud.

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Apparently I'm wearing a lot of Free People today. And clearly, I need new jeans. Shopping in the lovely city tomorrow! :) My debit card is pleased, it feels so unloved. Don't worry debit card, you'll be swiped soon.

Hat, Coat, Shirt: Free People
Sweater: J.Crew (oh, gosh. I wore that yesterday too. Thank god I'm shopping tomorrow. Also, this sweater is my mom's. I picked it out for my dad to give her for Christmas last year. Really, I just wanted to borrow it. And now I have it and I'm in a different state. Muahahaha. So sneaky)
Jeans: J.Crew. (OKAY, OKAY. I'll wear different jeans. And wash these. gross.)
Boots: DSW
Socks: Target (Tar-jaaaay)
Scarf: Old, old gift from the best family ever. [Nordstrom] 

I just realized that the only thing that changed about my outfit is my shirt. Is that gross? Or is that where I use the "yeah, but I'm in college" excuse? I'll go for the latter.

Sigh. Now, I need to do my homework. For real this time. Not watch Friends. HOMEWORK, KELSEY. HOMEWORK. I need to do a "Straight-A Kelsey" blog where I take pictures of all my homework. Maybe that would give me motivation to do this math worksheet.

Oh boy. Have a great night, folks.
Think of me in stomping (and slipping) around in the 11 degree weather tomorrow.
Hope I survive.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Messy room, Mochas, and the Snooze Button

This morning, I turned off my alarm three times.
Don't worry, I set about five alarms to get me up.
And then I pressed snooze like twelve more times.
My third day into this, and I almost gave up.
I wanted nothing more than to go to my 8 a.m. math class in the yoga pants I wore and fell asleep in last night along with the homemade shirt I wore to the Mud Olympics that has a Captain Morgan reference drawn on it.
But, I fought through my exhaustion, rolled out of bed, and got dressed.
I know.

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My motivation for getting up was a mocha. To have time, I needed to leave at 7:45. I still needed my coat, scarf, mittens, and phone at 7:47. My room is a mess. I couldn't find my scarf or mittens or phone so I made the executive decision that a mocha was worth leaving without the aforementioned items.

After leaving my phone and scarf in the bowels of my dorm room, I rushed off to the library cafe to find a long line of hopefuls waiting for their mochas. (p.s. my mittens were in my coat pocket. I know you cared.) After waiting for HOURS (3 minutes) I ordered and then rushed off to pee.

At 8:01, mocha in hand, I scurried off to math.

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The guy didn't put espresso (don't you hate when people pronounce it eXpresso? I do.) in my mocha. So it was just steamed milk and chocolate. Hot chocolate. Alas, I'm still tired.

On my expedition to class, it started snowing more and I was slipping all over the place in my kitten heels and freezing my patoody off sans scarf (and adequate coat). The snow was really pretty and it made me miss Georgia when everyone frolicked around in the snow and caught flakes on their tongues. Here, it snows and it ain't no thang. People just keep walking. (I inconspicuously caught a few snowflakes on my tongue, for you Georgians. You're welcome.) Also, I officially need real boots. My favorites are ruined, and the ones I wore today were a bad idea. Kitten heels + snow +slush = everyone looking at me like I'm mental.

Here's a close up.

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My jeans gave them a bit of muffin top due to my lack of proper socks. And they're broken on the back thanks to Halloween 2009. But I liked them and they worked. Before I walked outside.

One last thing.
What the hell?
Is there some kind of secret people have to make their hair not static-ify all over the place? Is it just because my hair is from Georgia where it's not static-y? Please help. Please give me the secret so I can wear my hair down.

Le sigh. I will go shopping and I will find adequate winter-wear.
AND...I will clean my room. And find my phone. and my scarf. AND my Lady Gaga ticket.

Before I forget, here are my outfit details, since I know you're on the edge of your seat wanting to know WHERE I could have possibly gotten these clothes.

Coat: Free People circa 2008
Jeans (yes, I wore the same ones yesterday...and everyday): J.Crew
Mittens: REI. (cool.)
Shirt: Anthropologie
Sweater: J.Crew
Necklaces: J.Crew
Impractical ankle boots: Steve Madden
Hat: Free People 

Th-tha-tha-tha. The-tha-tha-tha...that's all folks.
Now, I'll clean and do French phonetics*

*watch Friends and nap

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It's hard to type with numb hands.

Just for the record, I wore my puffy coat to class today. I didn't like it.
This is my hair post my rage at the static.
It was going everywhere during my first class, so I went back to my room and put it up with my flowery anthro clip.

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It's hard to get my peacoat over my blazer, but that doesn't mean that's not what I'm wearing right this second. It's on and my arm circulation may be leaving me, but I'm warm. Well, not my hands. I decided to forget my mittens and then go on an escapade around Evanston to find a starbucks...I'm thawing out, to say the least.

Outfit details...
Black velvet blazer: Anthropologie
Flower clip (that you can't see...again): Anthropologie
Gingham button down: J.Crew
Jeans (Matchstick): J.Crew
Boots: DSW
Necklace: Some cute old woman street vending in Italy four years ago

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I've worn this before, so not much thought went into it, to be honest.
I had a meeting with a professor today, so I decided to be semi-profesh looking...with a collar and a blazer and all that. Not that it was actually necessary--but I was trying to dress the part, so just go with it.

I officially ruined my boots today. There are cute little wet marks from the damn snow.
I was extremely unprepared for this weather. I don't actually know what I'm going to do for the rest of the winter. I guess I'll hole up in my puffy coat. Gag me.

Currently, I'm sitting in my third starbucks of the night waiting for my yoga class to start. Part of my New year, New me saga of bullshit. Healthier, all that...but really...I just like the clothes from lululemon. I probably like the outfit I'm going to wear to yoga tonight better than most of the stuff in my closet. Sigh. I have writer's block. sock. lock. hock. mock. frock. dock. chalk. <-- that's some serious word association. Learned it in my writing class. Look at me, all studious.

Ok, I need another mocha.


Well hello, welcome to my silly little blog.
I don't know what it is--maybe my ego, that leads me to believe people will care about what I wear everyday...
but it seems like a fun little project nonetheless.
I'm in my second semester of college, and I spent my first chilling out in my Lake Forest College paraphernalia---yes, all of it. Sweatshirt, t-shirt, sweatpants...and that's what I wore to class. Embarrassing, yes? YES.

I decided to do this after channeling myself as a 6 year old little girl that wouldn't play soccer because I wanted to wear a skirt...NOT those silly shorts. AND, up until fall semester 2010, I wouldn't go in public with sweatpants on...but quickly changed that upon my entry into a dorm.

But let's cut the crap. Dressing better makes me feel better and do better, so here it goes.

I'll post what I wear--even if it's my ratty XXL Lake Forest sweatshirt.
I'm going to do the 30 for 30 a la Kendi, who is a fashion genius and my inspiration for this little thing...but that will start on February 1st. Until then, I'll wear the heart out of my clothes and try and figure out how the hell I'm going to not shop for 30 days, while living an hour away from the beautiful Chicago.

Unfortunately, since I am a college student, I lack a nice camera and a photographer friend that wants to do a photoshoot of me everyday, so my pictures are via photobooth in my dorm. Classy, right? I know. I know.

Here is yesterday's outfit. I'll post today's later, once I muster up the motivation to get out of bed and take a picture. I spilled my latte all over my bed, so my energy is lacking.

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This outfit is full of go-to pieces that I choose when I am beyond my normal indecisive-ity.  I had an 8 a.m. yesterday, and was extremely unprepared so after failing at several skirt and shirt combos, I went for the tunic I got from Urban Outfitters on clearance 3 Black Fridays ago, and my favorite blazer from Madewell paired with simple flat camel riding boots (DSW) along with tights (and socks that you can't see, thanks to photobooth's lackluster lighting) from Target.

My hair is a la bed head and there's a little flower clip strategically placed over a spot of nasty bumps I didn't feel like brushing out.

I didn't enclose proof of the ridiculous puffy coat I wore over this. I tried my peacoat, ok? I tried. I was just too cold. The problem may have been solve-able with jeans instead of tights, but I've never been a pants girl.