Thursday, January 27, 2011

Rambling and Anthropologie.

I haven't been dressing that well lately.
Yesterday I totally spent half the day in Victoria's Secret sweatpants and a sweatshirt sporting an elephant. Roll Tide.

However, I did muster up the courage to put on some jeans thanks to my new coat and boots coming in the mail.

It's technically from Anthropologie, but I had to get it by way of ebay. This is what I got in exchange of my puffy coat. It's much nicer, and much less...puffy.

I'm having an extreme lack of inspiration to write this, which is precisely why it didn't get done yesterday.

And why I didn't take pictures today. It's like attack of the neutrals though. I'm wearing a blackish American Apparel v-neck and...well, right now I'm wearing really fabulous LFC running shorts. (Not that I'm planning on running) But, I was wearing jeans...the same I always wear, and a beige sweater. and my caramel-y boots. Yay, neutrals.

However, this is the picture of yesterday.

I didn't do that thing where everything I was going to wear was going to be from something different...but I did it today. (a.a., anthro, jcrew, and dsw) however, this outfit is...

jacket and shirt: anthro
jeans: jcrew (surprised?)
boots/socks: hunter

the coat also happened to be from I was totally right in saying that every time I have multiples it's because of anthropologie. What a stupid store.

(Just kidding, Anthro. I love you. Don't hate me. Now, get pretty stuff in, because to be quite honest, your current line is lackluster. Eeeesh.)

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