Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the black and brown dilemma

black and brown together has been one of the largest faux pas since forever...practically. But, now..it's making a come-back.

I am personally a big, big fan of brown boots. While I have a pair of black, I favor my browns.
And...I'm not a brown tights person. That's just kind of weird. And sometimes brown tights don't work with the outfit.

For example: 

Brown tights with this dress would have looked incredibly weird. So, black. Tights problem=solved.
But my black boots look weird too. (Maybe I just need different black boots...) 
I was kind of rushing because I wanted to be on time for class for the first time since.....never, so I just whipped on my favorite boots. 

(Look closer. They're fabulous.) 

And...tell me if I'm wrong but... they look good. And, I always, always wear brown boots with black tights. Why is this all of a sudden ok?
I never thought twice about it until it was brought to my attention when I told my friend he was committing a serious felony when he wore black socks with brown shoes.

He then asked me why it was ok that I was wearing black tights with brown 'shoes'.

"Now, now. They're not shoes, they're boots. And tights are different than socks"
He looked at me like I was an idiot.
"No. It doesn't make sense."
"Shut up. It's ok with tights and boots. Not socks and shoes."
"You're just saying it's ok for women. Double standard."

I scoffed. But he had a point.
Why is it ok?

Because it is. It's still totally different.

Anyway, I will rest peacefully with my decision to sport black and brown.
I will also rest peacefully with my dress, as it has now shown me its versatility.
I have exhausted this piece in every season.
Bought it in spring, and it kept trucking along as a go-to piece ever since.

And that's where fashion is an investment.
It's definitely worth the *#!@ dollars I spent on it.

Dress: Madewell
Blazer: Anthropologie
Boots: Anthropologie
Socks: Free People
Tights: Target (They're new and I'm not happy with them. I decided to be frugal and buy the five dollar ones instead of the seven dollar ones and the price difference is because these are extremely flimsy and sheer and not substantial. I'll spare the extra two dollars from now on, thank you.)

Tomorrow I'm going to try and have everything be from somewhere different.
I realized that most of each of my outfits is dominated by one store. (Usually Anthro.)
I'll try and change that up.
(Not counting coat, obviously.)

Ok. I'll use the library to study now.

1 comment:

  1. i am obsessed with wearing black tights with my brown boots. i feel like it makes my brown boots pop out more? weird? perhaps.

    -sissy kelly
