Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Messy room, Mochas, and the Snooze Button

This morning, I turned off my alarm three times.
Don't worry, I set about five alarms to get me up.
And then I pressed snooze like twelve more times.
My third day into this, and I almost gave up.
I wanted nothing more than to go to my 8 a.m. math class in the yoga pants I wore and fell asleep in last night along with the homemade shirt I wore to the Mud Olympics that has a Captain Morgan reference drawn on it.
But, I fought through my exhaustion, rolled out of bed, and got dressed.
I know.

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My motivation for getting up was a mocha. To have time, I needed to leave at 7:45. I still needed my coat, scarf, mittens, and phone at 7:47. My room is a mess. I couldn't find my scarf or mittens or phone so I made the executive decision that a mocha was worth leaving without the aforementioned items.

After leaving my phone and scarf in the bowels of my dorm room, I rushed off to the library cafe to find a long line of hopefuls waiting for their mochas. (p.s. my mittens were in my coat pocket. I know you cared.) After waiting for HOURS (3 minutes) I ordered and then rushed off to pee.

At 8:01, mocha in hand, I scurried off to math.

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The guy didn't put espresso (don't you hate when people pronounce it eXpresso? I do.) in my mocha. So it was just steamed milk and chocolate. Hot chocolate. Alas, I'm still tired.

On my expedition to class, it started snowing more and I was slipping all over the place in my kitten heels and freezing my patoody off sans scarf (and adequate coat). The snow was really pretty and it made me miss Georgia when everyone frolicked around in the snow and caught flakes on their tongues. Here, it snows and it ain't no thang. People just keep walking. (I inconspicuously caught a few snowflakes on my tongue, for you Georgians. You're welcome.) Also, I officially need real boots. My favorites are ruined, and the ones I wore today were a bad idea. Kitten heels + snow +slush = everyone looking at me like I'm mental.

Here's a close up.

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My jeans gave them a bit of muffin top due to my lack of proper socks. And they're broken on the back thanks to Halloween 2009. But I liked them and they worked. Before I walked outside.

One last thing.
What the hell?
Is there some kind of secret people have to make their hair not static-ify all over the place? Is it just because my hair is from Georgia where it's not static-y? Please help. Please give me the secret so I can wear my hair down.

Le sigh. I will go shopping and I will find adequate winter-wear.
AND...I will clean my room. And find my phone. and my scarf. AND my Lady Gaga ticket.

Before I forget, here are my outfit details, since I know you're on the edge of your seat wanting to know WHERE I could have possibly gotten these clothes.

Coat: Free People circa 2008
Jeans (yes, I wore the same ones yesterday...and everyday): J.Crew
Mittens: REI. (cool.)
Shirt: Anthropologie
Sweater: J.Crew
Necklaces: J.Crew
Impractical ankle boots: Steve Madden
Hat: Free People 

Th-tha-tha-tha. The-tha-tha-tha...that's all folks.
Now, I'll clean and do French phonetics*

*watch Friends and nap

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